I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun!
(Please don't sue me, Miranda.) Okay, so we've covered one Horror Icon's weapon, so what's next? Well, since it's October, We'll be covering weapons from horror fiction all month! This time, we'll be looking at something a little more..... Exotic, shall we say? The Quadruple Barreled Shotgun: (Phantasm films) First, let's take a look at this.... MARVELOUS tool of destruction. The weapon appears to be homemade by the character Reggie, and from the digging I did, it is made out of 2 Rossi Squires, apparently fused together somehow. We can see electrical tape near the fore-grip of the gun, but that doesn't appear to be what is holding it together proper. Examination of props, models, and screenshots shows me that the gun appears to be pinned together at the stock, which likely means epoxy or gunsmithing adhesives, along with steel or brass pins. Other features of note include a wooden foregrip, which appears to be taken off another gun, p...