
Showing posts from 2017

With great power....

Alright, so today we're going to be taking a look at a different sort of weapon. Specifically, this is the first time we're looking at a purpose-built less lethal weapon. It's also the first chemical weapon we'll be taking a look at. It's also the first time I've had the luxury of a BLUEPRINT for the weapon, so I know much more about the internals of the weapon. Web-Shooters: (Spiderman franchise)    Invented by Peter Parker to fill the need for a less-lethal ranged weapon, the web-shooters are a set of paired, wrist mounted chemical weapons. They fire a rapidly setting, bio-degradable adhesive similar to spider's silk. Let's get stuck into it: 1. Realism of design: As far as the actual design goes, this thing is one of the better designs we've looked at thus far. It's mounted to the wrist, making it nearly impossible to lose them in a fight, and is tailored to Peter's wrists, ensuring it would be very difficult for it to s...

Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Final part.

This is the last entry on Guts' arsenal, at least for the moment. I may cover the Berserker Armor someday, but it's not really in the scope or spirit of the blog, and I also do not have any sort of hard figures or real-world comparisons I can really draw on. So instead of the armor, we're going to be talking about the most iconic weapon from the series. The Dragonslayer Sword: This monstrous blade was forged by the blacksmith Goto. A nobleman commissioned him to forge a weapon that could kill a dragon. After much difficulty, Goto presented this weapon. The nobleman, furious at how ugly it was, demanded Goto's head. For you see, there were no dragons to be slain: It was merely meant to be a decoration. Despite it being originally intended by his Patron to be a wallhanger, the weapon Goto made is fully functional. So functional, in fact, that he considers it his finest work but for the fact no man could ever wield it.... Until Guts came along, anyways. So ...

Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough part 3

And we're back with part 3! In this part, we'll be getting into one of the more unusual weapons in fiction, and definitely one of the strangest in Berserk as a series. The Arm Cannon: Guts lost his left forearm during a demonic feast known as "The Eclipse", when it was bitten and held fast, he chose to chisel it off with a broken knife. Because of this severe handicap, Rickert the blacksmith build him an arm made of Steel, and inside of it, he installed a single-shot cannon. This metal fist has saved guts on more than one occasion, and serves as a shield, a devastating blunt force weapon, and a surprise ace in the hole when the cannon is deployed. It is a muzzle-loading design, and must be reloaded with each shot, but most of the time, one shot is all it takes. Realism of the design: The arm cannon consists of 2 parts we need to consider. The first is the metal prosthetic itself. As far as that goes, the design is actually very good. The fingers are co...

Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough part 2.

 Onto the next weapon. The Repeater Crossbow:  This weapon was ALSO invented by Rickert, who seems to have a knack for technology and tinkering despite his young age. This weapon mounts onto Guts' prosthetic arm (more on that later), and feeds via a gravity powered magazine. The weapon fires when the crank on the side, seen in the figure above, it worked with the hand, similar to old-school machine guns, like the Puckle gun or Gatling gun. So let's go over this thing. Realism of design: Funnily enough, this is, yet again, based on a historical weapon. In this case, a Chinese one. These crossbows, while somewhat unwieldy, were quite effective, capable of firing 10 bolts in 15 seconds, and were not prone to jamming or other issues. They were easy to use, but due to being fired from the hip, somewhat inaccurate, and intended to be used for massed, suppressing fire. Essentially, it's the ancient equivalent of a Machine Gun. In some ways, Guts' crossbow is ...

Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough: The Arsenal of Guts.

Welcome back to The Armory, in this installment, we'll be taking a look not at a single weapon, but at an entire arsenal of them. Weapons designed to fight creatures no mortal man could ever hope to match. The weapons of The Black Swordsman, The Hundred Man Slayer: Guts, from the comic book "Berserk." Now, We're going to start with the most normal of Gut's weapons, and move onward to the most exotic as we go down the line. Throwing knives will be omitted, as there's nothing unusual or weird about Gut's knives, he's simply very accurate at throwing them. Instead, we'll start with a small, but powerful tool that has saved his life many times: The Miniature Bomb This compact weapon was created by the blacksmith  Rickert, a member of Guts' old Mercenary unit, and a close friend to the Black Swordsman. They are stated to have a 3 second fuse, and explode with force similar to a powerful firework, or a grenade from the golden age of piracy....

I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun!

(Please don't sue me, Miranda.) Okay, so we've covered one Horror Icon's weapon, so what's next? Well, since it's October, We'll be covering weapons from horror fiction all month! This time, we'll be looking at something a little more..... Exotic, shall we say? The Quadruple Barreled Shotgun: (Phantasm films) First, let's take a look at this.... MARVELOUS tool of destruction. The weapon appears to be homemade by the character Reggie, and from the digging I did, it is made out of 2 Rossi Squires, apparently fused together somehow. We can see electrical tape near the fore-grip of the gun, but that doesn't appear to be what is holding it together proper. Examination of props, models, and screenshots shows me that the gun appears to be pinned together at the stock, which likely means epoxy or gunsmithing adhesives, along with steel or brass pins. Other features of note include a wooden foregrip, which appears to be taken off another gun, p...
Welcome to the armory. On this blog, we will be over viewing fictional weapons and armor, determining how they work, what they would realistically do, and most interestingly, if they could be made and wielded in real life, now or in the future. Many of these might suprise you, I have a number of them planned already In the spirit of the season, I have selected my first weapon to examine. Ash's Chainsaw Prosthetic: (Evil Dead, 1981.) Disclaimer: Don't try and build any of the weapons discussed here, you will either get hurt, die, or get sent to prison. This is purely for entertainment and hobby purposes. Disregarding the method by which he attains this weapon, as it is immaterial to the function, this seems like a good idea at first glance. The weapon itself is a Homelite XL-12 chainsaw, a model that is, as near as I could find, discontinued at present time. This was a powerful, large model of tool, used for processing heavy lumber and cutting down tr...